Take your hr comms to the next level with prezi video. Internal and external character traits by kaila hiatt on prezi. I was twelve when we moved from pennsylvania to arizona. It had lots of drama and it had lots of funny parts.
Uncle pete would stand patiently before me while i ran my. Stargirl is suddenly shunned for everything that makes her. However, she left a lasting impression on leo and the other students at mica high. If leo has his way, stargirl will no longer comfort people like ron kovac. She was a 10th grade girl with blonde hair and freckles.
Shes a free spirit, a rare bird according to archie, and she defies definition in every sense of the word. Stargirl by jerry spinelli chapter 2 summary and analysis. Stargirls entrance to school is a big deal for all the students in this small arizona town. Book stargirli need information on it yahoo answers. August is a normal kid on the inside, but not on the outside. But it was lips that touched her, not the palm of a hand. She captures leo borlock s heart with just one smile.
Jul 19, 2018 keep direct characterization, as much as possible, to concise information relevant to your story. Eileen nechas, patty beaumont, susan cherner, charmaine leibold, laurie baty, ariel gold. Somewhere in the midst of stargirls arrival and rise and fall, normal leo borlock has tumbled into love with her. While the reader does become acquainted with her during the reading of the book, she maintains her mysterious quality. Choose from 39 different sets of stargirl guide flashcards on quizlet. From the day she arrives at quiet mica high in a burst of color and sound, the hallways hum with the murmur of stargirl, stargirl. Nonfiction definition, the branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon facts and reality, including biography, history, and the essay opposed to fiction and distinguished from poetry and drama. Stargirl by jerry spinelli chapter 10 summary and analysis. Adaptation definition of adaptation by merriamwebster. Constructed response character map stargirl caraway the reader learns a lot about stargirl in chapters. Richard nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and english at georgia southern university and the author of several universitylevel grammar and composition textbooks. Stargirl was well received by critics, who praised stargirl s character and the novels overall message of nonconformity.
Fiction definition, the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form. Homework vocabulary book students will create a book out of their vocabulary word squares where they have the word, a definition, a picture and the vocabulary word defined in a sentence. Anyone can say whatever they want and, even if i dont agree with them, theyre still protected by the law its my job to enforce. Stargirl really listened when leo said that no one liked her and that she is a nobody. She sparks a schoolspirit revolution with just one cheer.
Mass market paperback in stock more buying choices mass. The pearl by john steinbeck in the town they tell the story of the great pearl how it was found and how it was lost again. An oxymoron is a figure of speech, usually one or two words, in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side. There are so many theories and categorizations of genre that the editorstory student can easily fall into an intellectual whirlpool. Stargirl came back to school and she was totally different. By the end of the day, the sheet is filled with joking entries, like darth vader and wayne parr, but dori dilson signs up in earnest. Wringer by jerry spinelli is a story about a nine year old boy named palmer larue. As we read stargirl, each student will be assigned a theme to follow throughout the novel e. And because the story has been told so often, it has taken root in every mans mind. They tell of kino, the fisherman, and of his wife, juana, and of the baby, coyotito. Stargirl, book by jerry spinelli mass market paperback. It was a new york times bestseller, a parents choice gold award winner, an ala top ten best books for young adults award winner, and a publishers weekly best book of the.
Palacio august auggie pullman was born with a facial deformity that prevented him from going to a mainstream schooluntil now. Adaptation definition is something that is adapted. Jan 20, 2018 mark now helps authors of all genres fiction, nonfiction, and childrens books get top literary agents, publishers, and book deals through his company literary agent undercover and the bestselling author. She did carry a large canvas bag with a lifesize sunflower painted on it. This is one of the major settings because this is were leo met stargirl. The students do not believe that stargirl could actually be a.
Like lightningyou strikefast and freelegs zoomdown fieldeyes fixedon the checkered ballon the goalten yards to gocant nobody stop you. Many thanks to those who helped in the writing of this book. If you are the publisher or author of this book and feel that the. Learn stargirl guide with free interactive flashcards. The book stargirl by jerry spinelli is filled with exciting vocabulary. Ive been sucked in so many times by so many different ways to look at genres that my head. Stargirl seems to be very intelligent, the kind of intelligence that comes from looking and observing and remembering. Basically, he wants stargirl to conform, which means that stargirl will no longer be stargirl. Here the book leaves the ground of empiric facts and accepts isolated experts statments as normative truth. Nonfiction definition is writing or cinema that is about facts and real events. An example of medium of publication is the instrument by which a work is formatted it isnt just the written word, but could be any kind of media.
Nonfiction definition of nonfiction by merriamwebster. Hillari kimble is princess of the in crowd and is loudly making her opinion known. The setting for stargirl was mica, a madeup town in arizona. Stargirl caraway character analysis heres a heads up. Naiba book award for young children teachers guide stargirl overview background through the characters of leo and stargirl, author jerry spinelli shows the importance of accepting people for who they are. In groups, students will work with their themes as we read, noting quotes that relate to their themes and their own questions and responses to the book. See more ideas about teaching, reading lessons and literature circles. Marks authors have gotten sixfigure book deals, been on the nyt bestseller list, and published with houses such as random house. At some point for example when choosing or even creating addons players start to see behind the surface and consider the underlying technology. She stopped at an empty table, laid down her bag, slung the. Free stargirl worksheets and literature unit for teachers.
This unit provides guiding questions and charts for research findings to help students plan a speech. As the name suggests, background information means all information that a reader requires to increase his awareness of the topic an essay is going to explain. Sean larkin, 40, sergeant with tulsa police departments gang unit in tulsa, oklahoma born in virginia. Stargirls desire to keep the workers in the community wellfed meshes with her desire to make people happy. Printables each book punch title includes 11 printable worksheets, a lesson plan aid, and the book punch series. Falling action stargirl accepts the fact that leo can not love her for who she is. Stargirl book series 2 books all formats kindle edition from book 1.
Also, stargirls actions are normally shown here so we have a. See the definition, listen to the word, then try to spell it correctly. Figurative language is more interesting, lively, beautiful, and memorable than language thats purely literal. The next morning, the mica high roadrunner bears a flyer inviting students to sign up for a new musical group calls the ukee dooks.
See more ideas about stargirl quotes, author studies and middle school reading. It is, in some ways, a ya version of the little prince, or a female version of spinellis own awardwinning maniac magee. After school, kevin tries to joke with leo about stargirl acting goofier than ever, but leo walks out on him. This unit may be used in conjunction or independently from the novel. Usually they would be out on the streets, but they were home now because the jackboots were boombooming the city and it was. These are traits that describe the way a character acts. Blend direct and indirect characterization to develop your characters. He tells us, every once in a while someone comes along who is a little more primitive than the rest of us, a little closer to our beginnings, a little more in touch with the stuff were made of 32.
This is a girl who absolutely cannot be boxed in, pigeonholed, or tied up with a pretty little bow. She is a special girl, immune to the critics of the rest of the kids. If you enjoy these interesting book facts, we have hundreds more in our book, the secret library. The book is the sequel to the new york times bestselling book, stargirl, and centers on the worlds longest letter in diary form. This could be the beginning of the end of her popularity. Stargirl regains popularity as she arrives on a bike covered in sunflowers. She goes to the ocotillo ball by herself and has a blast. Figurative language is found in all sorts of writing, from poetry to prose to speeches to song lyrics, and is also a common part of spoken speech. Ron kovac was the basketball star for sun valley, and his talent gave his team a 219 lead over mica area high school. Stargirl is a young adult novel written by american author jerry spinelli and first published in 2000 stargirl was well received by critics, who praised stargirl s character and the novels overall message of nonconformity. Stargirl from the day she arrives at quiet mica high in a burst of color and sound, the hallways hum with the murmur of stargirl, stargirl. It can be print books, websites, electronic books, articles, databases, broadcast, sound recordings, a ballet performance, etc. Leo went with stargirl when she delivered gifts and cards. Background information is placed shortly after the hook or attention grabber.
The drama is palpable as hillari kimbles birthday approaches. Students write a paragraph about facts andor events from the book to ensure that they have read it. Together, these units develop students reading comprehension and writing skills in complementary ways. Introduction to jerry spinellis stargirl jerry spinelli published stargirl in the year 2000. As the dance progresses, stargirl causes conflict with hillari kimble. It was really exciting to read and really interesting. The kids at my school call this book childish, horrible, and weird just like the kid in the book. Love, stargirl if stargirl floats your boat, then be sure to check out the sequel.
Stargirl s entrance to school is a big deal for all the students in this small arizona town. Realistic fiction definition complete list of book genres. Stargirl was the unusual new girl who went from being the joke of the school to the most popular. Stargirl is the mirror in which mica high school gazes into daily. I would recommend you read this book because i know you will like this book. The character stargirl is based in large part on mr. A bittersweet paean to eccentricity and nonconformity, it is also a scathing commentary on teenagers, which makes its popularity with them all the more interesting. Many characters had a great personality and others had a horrible one,but it was really interesting while you read it. Chapter 11 of jerry spinellis stargirl reveals a change in the way the students at mica area high school treat the unique stargirl. And in fact, when stargirl finally moved, hillari winced and shut her eyes.
Four years after the book came out, the first stargirl society was created in kent, ohio. What i need is the major characters and their significance and relationship to eachother. Stargirl, who up till now has been homeschooled, starts school at mica high as a tenth grader, where leo is starting his eleventh grade year. Leo told her that she should care about what the world thinks of her and if she doesnt, people will make fun of her. Plot summary of book includeing characters mentioned,setting,and with one section of the book you found intresting. Both are intertwined, as the hook cannot be separated from the. Comprehension by chapter, vocabulary challenges, creative reading response activities and projects, tests, and much more. It picks up where the previous novel left off after stargirl left mica high and describes her bittersweet memories in the town of mica, arizona along with the involvements of new people in her life, in phoenixville, pennsylvania. A wringer is a boy that wrings necks of injured pigeons during his towns annual pigeon day, where they shoot pigeons. Wonder was a book i first read 2 years ago, and over the years, i just couldnt stop rereading it.
Free stargirl study unit worksheets for teachers to print. What is the name of the tv show that leo and kevin host. This lesson will focus on interpreting some of the interesting vocabulary words so that you can use them on your own. Stargirl quotes i pledge allegiance to united turtles of america and to the fruit bats of borne, one planet in the milky way, incredible, with justice and black bean burritos for all. She captures leo borlocks heart with just one smile. Palmer is nervous about turning the age of 10 because he will become a wringer. These are traits that you can see and use to describe what a character looks like. She immediately starts a stir with her wacky outfits and even more wacky behavior. With the threat of concentration camps looming, he and his family board a ship bound for the other side of the. A modernday classic and new york times bestseller from newbery medalist jerry spinelli. The day before the auspicious occasion, hillari walks up behind stargirl in the cafeteria and stands behind her. Sf writer isaac asimov 19201992 is the only author to have published a book in.
Too much explicit telling about your characters personalities, at the cost of showing, could make them feel like bland collections of abstract nouns without specificity. The society was developed to support everything that made stargirl great her kindness, creativity, and. The thing is auggies just an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face. In a celebration of nonconformity, jerry spinelli weaves a tense, emotional tale about the fleeting, cruel nature of popularityand the thrill and inspiration of first love. In the novel, stargirl wins the both the local and regional oratorical contests. As always, stargirl baffled leo, and her normal room was no exception. A booklovers journey through curiosities of history, which is available from michael omara books. Contents cover page title page dedication epigraph acknowledgments chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6. Stargirl pdf chromebook binderfolder journal penpencil dictionary. It does not go into how to write hooks, introductions. An oxymoron is a figure of speech, usually one or two words in which seemingly contradictory terms appear side by side.
This study guide consists of approximately 40 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of stargirl. Stargirl is dressed beautifully and impresses everyone as she walks onto the tennis court. Loser is a touching book about the human spirit, the importance of failure, and how any name can someday be replaced with hero. This is a royaltyfree book, and i will let anyone download it for free. Spinelli uses his young heroine to tackle the difficult adolescent issues of selfesteem, popularity, and friendship. The pearl by john steinbeck point pleasant beach school.
It was a new york times bestseller, a parents choice gold award winner, an ala top ten best books for young adults award winner, and a publishers weekly best book of the year. It was a fairly new town, developed around an electronics business park a decade and a half earlier. Josef is a jewish boy living in 1930s nazi germany. Stargirl is a touching and thoughtful book, a celebration of individualism and a condemnation of the kind of society that would stifle it. The second day of school begins much the same way, but today the only topic of conversation is stargirl. Genre is the one of the most difficult foundations of story to wrap your mind around. I thought that necktie was just about the neatest thing in. The examples below show a variety of different types of figures of speech. Hes about to enter fifth grade at beecher prep, and if youve ever been the new kid, them you know how hard that can be. Writers and poets have used it for centuries as a literary device to describe lifes inherent conflicts and incongruities. Figurative language definition and examples litcharts. Stargirl is a young adult novel written by american author jerry spinelli and first published in 2000 stargirl was well received by critics, who praised stargirls character and the novels overall message of nonconformity.
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